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You don't know how to navigate in this project?
If you are navigating with a mobile device you can move around the website with simple touch gestures. For who is navigating with a computer, simply click and rotate with your mouse. Try to click around and have fun, nothing is going to explode, I promise.
Story behinde this project:
This project is a personal portfolio website developed in 3D. The model was first created with Blender (software used for 3D modeling). Imported after in the web thanks to 3D javascript libraries such as Threejs. For the frontend was used: Vuejs, Threejs, webGL, SASS and Pug. For the design was used: Figma, Photoshop, Blender and Procreate. For the backend was used: PHP. After month of study, test and research I am finally able to develope my own 3D world in the web, enjoy and have fun. (Some of the animations might work only on the desktop version).